石头,布,剪刀:摘自JoAnn Gonzalez Hickey收藏


什么是绘图?? 虽然这个问题看起来很简单,但潜在的答案是无数的和复杂的. Some may see drawing as practice for a larger work in another medium; a system of note taking; a substitute for the camera; an act vital to artistic, 精神上的, or intellectual growth; the primary focus of art; a method for experiment and risk; not confined to two dimensions; an extension of the body; everything.

绘画在当代艺术界是必不可少的. The number of artists who identify primarily as practitioners of drawing is great; many artists move between drawing and other previously privileged practices without making hierarchical distinctions. The number of forms drawing can take is extraordinary and surprising; artists regularly expand the vocabulary for art through drawing.

石头,剪刀,布 在PAFA高级策展人领导的2014年秋季高级绘画研讨会上,学生们选择了JoAnn Gonzalez Hickey的作品, 罗伯特Cozzolino, 艺术家兼教员阿斯特丽德·鲍尔比. 随着课程的进展, 学生们带来了他们的工作室经验, 课堂讨论, 并体验原创艺术作品和更广泛的艺术世界来塑造展览.  学生们与希基建立了关系,并探索了她的收藏, 这一邀请是通过她的SYZYGY策展平台获得的.  结果是一个不寻常的策展项目,充满了发现.